The Nanyuan Hotel
Ningbo, China
Special Highlights
1350 glass pyramids
The total number of opal glass pyramids making up the light.
420 kilos
The amounf of tin used to cennect the glass triangless to each other and to the frame.
280 lights
The numbers of light sources lighting the whole.
11 meters
The height of the light.
5 meters
The light´s diameter.
A Masterpiece of Light
Suspended in pride of place above the lobby of the five-star Nanyuan Hotel in the Chinese city of Ningbo hangs a masterpiece of vision, design and construction: an eleven meter by five meter spiral chandelier comprised of one thousand three hundred and fifty diamond-cut pyramids in various hues of yellow, honey and amber.
Created by designer, Jaroslav Bejvl, Jr., the magnificent chandelier draws equal inspiration from local Chinese culture, in which a spiral signifies harmony, as Preciosa’s own, century-old signature diamond-cut style – to create a piece of lighting art that is as stunning in daylight as when lit for the evening. As amazing as the light itself, however, is the story of its creation and construction.